Sunday, July 25, 2010

Guiding Principles..part 2

In looking at my initial guiding principles for web technology in the classroom, I can’t say that I would change much, but I feel that I now have a much better understanding of what I wrote. One of my key guiding principles was that the web would allow for better collaboration. Through using the tools we have explored, like blogs, wallwisher, google forms and others, I now have a better understanding of the multitude of ways in which the students can collaborate and share information. Another key guiding principle is using web tools to organize and present information in appropriate ways. Students should never feel limited to presenting information in a poster, or even using powerpoint for that matter. Many more tools exist that allow them to reach different audiences, which prepares them for life outside of school. I think the biggest guiding principle that I need to remember is that the web technology must be intuitive and not take away from content learning. I have found through this class that it is easy to spend A LOT of time playing around and not always having a lot to show for it. The technology needs to work as seamlessly as possible to have the greatest effect. My final key guiding principle is that it needs to be safe to the student. This needs to reflect the tools they use, where they publish to, and the copyright limitations. The students really are vulnerable, much more so than I thought prior to this class, and the tools used need to protect them, yet not limit their ability to discover and explore.

1 comment:

  1. I am in agreement with many of the points you made. I especially agree with the idea that the technology should not take away or distract from the content. It should only enhance and extend the learning. And you're right... it is VERY EASY to get caught up in the aesthetics and fiddling with all the gadgets and end up being distracted from our primary goal and purpose of using the technology... to learn science! Kids especially need this reminder!
