Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Class Wiki

So I've decided to try keeping a wiki site for my biology and ag biology classes this coming year. I used Google sites last year to keep a web page for my biology class and decided to create a wiki through google sites for both of these class; it seems easier to keep everything in one place even though some of the other sites seem more logical to use. One thing I really like about the wiki over the blog is that I can have students work on it as well. They can more easily post information and participate in discussions. I also like how the wiki presents itself more like a webpage with more options for placing content and links. What I can't decide now is whether to keep my web site for the biology class or just run it through the wiki. I need to see if there is a way (I'm sure there is) to control actions on the wiki so the kids can't change everything. All I know now is that hours can easily be spent putting these resources together and my eyes are now tired and the caffeine is wearing off. Here is the link to the beginnings of my biology wiki page. I still have much more to add, but need to be home where I have more of my resources.


  1. I like the navigation bar on the left. The page is clean and organized. I really don’t care for sites that are too full of material. My only concern would be having your students’ real names on a page. My district is REALLY strict about using student names and images. It’s more than a little ridiculous. But I guess their point is it’s better to be safe than sorry.

  2. I agree with the name thing, and once the school year starts I'll make the site accessible by invite only (one of the nice features about Google sites).

  3. I like the clean look of the pages in your wiki, as mentioned above. One of the wikis I tried had ads and other material all over the page, and I had a hard time seeing where my material posted. If I can't find it, I know the students won't! I wondered about the names also, but the invite only should remedy that issue. Are the students required to have a google account to join the wiki?

  4. Well done! I am trying a wiki as well an hoping to make it very functional and user-friendly for my students. Your wiki is just that! You provided some good ideas for me, especially the calendar. I also like the assignment box. I am convinced that the wiki can be a powerful, organized resource for students but I am still trying to figure out how to make this more interactive and still keep it organized and user friendly...Thanks for sharing!
