Sunday, July 18, 2010

Class Project

I've still been playing with my class wiki sites and will hopefully have more to post about those once I'm done traveling back home (it's been 2 days in the process and we still have 2 more after stopping to see both families and picking up our puppy that we haven't seen in 1 month). I took the Ecology of Trout Streams class this past week and had the wonderful opportunity to work with a great group of guys on a final project. We had to create a "lesson" that could be used with our students and we settled on creating a webpage-based project. Here is the link to our site. I still would like to spend some time on it, as we pieced this together in about 3 hours time. This did teach me some limitations and things to think about with using Google sites and how to embed and add interactive options. I'm still trying to play with a page that allows students turn in the assignments to keep it paperless, anybody have success with that yet?


  1. I like your web page so far! I tried doing a google site and couldn't work my way through it very well so kudos to you! I ended up doing Ning because I would create something and then lose it. I would love to hear as well if someone figures out how to turn in work paperless. What a time saver! Keep it up, looks good!

  2. I think that's great for a few hours work! Can they turn in work through google docs? You could add a single blog or discussion board element for them to comment on. Nice design and layout and great assignments. The good thing is that once it's set up you don't have to reinvent it. Nice work.

  3. I use Google Docs for turning in lab reports. One of authors of the document just has to "Share" it with you by clicking "share" and entering your e-mail. You'll receive a message confirming the share and the document will appear in your files as well. It's pretty slick!

    I really do like your page so far. That may be what I really want to do with my students. I'm still not quite sure...

  4. I was considering the google docs approach, which I've used for 2 years now. My ideal would be for the kids to download (upload?) their file to the site. I need some more time with this though.
