Sunday, July 25, 2010

Attempts at Podcasting

I've been trying to wrap my skills around this podcasting idea. I like the idea of being able to archive lectures, and tried this a few times last year, but have yet to really make it work. The file sizes always seem too big to attach to webpages, so I'm trying to find new ways to make this work. I took one of my lectures that I have saved on my computer from last year and imported it into audacity hoping that it would make the uploading better, but my file was still too big. I do like how easy it is to use audacity though. I have tried using Garage Band with my Mac last year and that is really hard, though it does allow for addition of music and sound effects (not that I have had time to do this). I guess I just need to create a short audio recording, maybe a tour of my greenhouse, that I can upload to audacity and then try to import. It seems like a great tool, I just need to figure out how to fit my "lectures" into it.


  1. I also found the file sizes through Audacity to be huge! I tried to email an audio clip to another classmate and couldn’t because it was too big. I ended up trying 4 different email accounts without any luck. If you find any way to shrink the file size let me know.

  2. I've also tried, and it isn't as easy as it seems it should be! I really got frustrated--I don't want to just load stuff up to youtube, I want control over it. I've had to put that on the back burner. I do have some technical staff I can use once school starts, so maybe I'll learn something that way. I'm hoping to keep blogging, just for my own reflection, so I'll post if I get any good tips/techniques to share.
